Eyebrow text

Hero Block

Only one of these per page can exist, you can set the text left, right, or full width. Selecting full width sets the image as the background.

Eyebrow text

CTA Full Block

This block is used for getting people to the location search page. Ignore the Call to Action button below, it’ll be replaced by the search box.

Button test

Eyebrow text

Multi Column Block

Subhead for testing purposes

This is a good block to use when you have up to 2-4 things to say and would like them laid out without distractions. If you want to add images, toggle the “With Images?” toggle in the “Config” tab.

  • Headline 1


    Copy text for explaining more info.

  • Headline 2


    Copy text for explaining more info.

  • Headline 3


    Copy text for explaining more info.

  • Headline 4


    Copy text for explaining more info.

Eyebrow test copy

Multi-column Content with Images

Subhead copy for testing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Ut tempus sit quam pellentesque justo viverra. Natoque neque volutpat orci in congue felis ullamcorper. Ullamcorper amet molestie eget mi id orci rhoncus semper pretium. Erat iaculis purus fusce magnis diam lectus turpis.

Test button

  • A man in black clothes tending to cannabis plants in a warehouse.

    Column headline

    This only has one subhead level?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Ut tempus sit quam pellentesque justo viverra. Natoque neque volutpat orci in congue felis ullamcorper.

    button test

  • A person in black clothes and medical gloves clipping a young cannabis plant.

    Column headline

    This only has one subhead level?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Ut tempus sit quam pellentesque justo viverra. Natoque neque volutpat orci in congue felis ullamcorper.

    Test Button

  • A budtender in a beanie with bear ears behind a counter at a licensed dispensary with colorful products behind him.

    Column headline

    This only has one subhead level?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Ut tempus sit quam pellentesque justo viverra. Natoque neque volutpat orci in congue felis ullamcorper.

    Test button

Eyebrow text

Multi Column Stats Block (2-up)

When you have up to 2-4 stats to say

This is a good block to use when you have up to 2-4 stats to say and would like them laid out without distractions.

  • 100%

    Of statistics are true

  • 2/3

    Of statistics are false

Eyebrow text

Multi Column Stats Block (4-up)

When you have up to 2-4 stats to say

This is a good block to use when you have up to 2-4 stats to say and would like them laid out without distractions.

  • 100%

    Of statistics are true

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Ut tempus sit quam pellentesque justo viverra. Natoque neque volutpat orci in congue felis ullamcorper.

    Test button

  • 2/3

    Of statistics are false

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Ut tempus sit quam pellentesque justo viverra. Natoque neque volutpat orci in congue felis ullamcorper.

    Test button

  • 250K

    Dollars spent on nonsense

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Ut tempus sit quam pellentesque justo viverra. Natoque neque volutpat orci in congue felis ullamcorper.

    Test button

  • 1 Mil

    Questions for you

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Ut tempus sit quam pellentesque justo viverra. Natoque neque volutpat orci in congue felis ullamcorper.

    Test button

Eyebrow text

One Column Block

This is a good block for a single column of content

You can toggle between having the content be left aligned or center aligned at the top.

Button action


Two Columns Block

Split the page in half

You can have different color scheme for each side, add a call to action, and move the copy from the left to the right side.

Eyebrow text

Accordion Block

Useful for Frequently Asked Quesitons

This is a good block to use for things like FAQs that have lots of content that might not be pertinent to every user. Use the “Panels” tab to add accordions.

  • Something important about this headline.

    Some longer text to loquaciously describe the intricacies of verbiage as applied to this unique context.

  • Something important about this headline.

    Some longer text to loquaciously describe the intricacies of verbiage as applied to this unique context.


Sticky 50 Block

Scrolling lists of items

This block works well when you have lots of short blurbs of text and or images, especially if sequential. You can add images and CTAs throughout and customize the color scheme for both sides.

  • Two women in the frame with one passing an unlit joint to another person who is out of frame.

    Subhead Item

    Some text explaining the importance of subhead item.

    Button action

  • 02

    Subhead Item

    Some text explaining the importance of subhead item.

    Button action

  • A closeup of a cannabis plant

    Subhead Item

    Some text explaining the importance of subhead item.

    Button action


Image Card Repeater

Lay out options for users to click on with images.

If you don’t want images for each item, use the Color Card Repeater. You can configure the color scheme and whether the image should be the card background in the Config tab. Add cards in the Cards tab.


Image Card Repeater – 3+ cards – Pistil

Lay out options for users to click on with images.

If you don’t want images for each item, use the Color Card Repeater. You can configure the color scheme and whether the image should be the card background in the Config tab. Add cards in the Cards tab.


Image Card Repeater – 3+ cards – Indica

Lay out options for users to click on with images.

If you don’t want images for each item, use the Color Card Repeater. You can configure the color scheme and whether the image should be the card background in the Config tab. Add cards in the Cards tab.

Design System


Super Display

Display 1

Display 2




Body 1 Bold

Body 1

Body 2


Padding Min Padding Inner Padding Half Padding Full

Gutter Narrow Gutter Wide

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